Centro de recursos
Recursos disponibles para el fomento de la salud y la respuesta a las intoxicaciones
Vídeo educativo sobre la intoxicación por metanol de MSF
Protocolo de 2023 para el tratamiento de la intoxicación por metanol de MSF
Carteles de prevención para médicos
Hoja informativa sobre la intoxicación por metanol
Incidentes sospechosos de intoxicación por metanol registrados
Cobertura de noticias y artículos
- BBC. Methanol Poisoning: Death by ignorance and taboo
- The Jakarta Post. Commentary: Preventing deaths from methanol poisoning
- ABS-CBN News. What is methanol Poisoning?
- Smart Parenting. There’s A Reason That Drink Is Called ‘Gin Bulag’ And A Mouthful Can Kill You
- MSF HK. Proper use of alcohol-based disinfectant products to avoid potential methanol poisoning
- Suara.com. Awas, Miras Oplosan Bisa Berujung Kematian (in Bahasa Indonesia)
- Akurat.co. Waspada Miras Oplosan, Bisa Sebabkan Kebutaan Hingga Kematian (in Bahasa Indonesia)
Seminario web
“Overshadowed by COVID-19: Neglected Diseases in the Spotlight” Methanol Poisoning: The illegal Brew That Kills
Bibliografía sobre la intoxicación por metanol
- Essayagh S et al (East Mediterr Health J): Epidemiological profile of methanol poisoning, El Hajeb, Morocco.
- Doreen B et al (J Environ Public Health): Fatal Methanol Poisoning Caused by Drinking Adulterated Locally Distilled Alcohol: Wakiso District, Uganda, June 2017.
- Gouda AS et al. (World J Crit Care Med): Lessons from a methanol poisoning outbreak in Egypt: Six case reports.
- Mojica CV et al (eNeurologicalSci): Chronic methanol toxicity through topical and inhalational routes presenting as vision loss and restricted diffusion of the optic nerves on MRI: A case report and literature review.
- Kotikova K et al (Clin Toxicol (Phila)): Efficiency of 123 I-ioflupane SPECT as the marker of basal ganglia damage in acute methanol poisoning: 6-year prospective study.
- Gulen M et al (Alcohol): Methanol poisoning in Turkey: Two outbreaks, a single center experience.
- Hlusicka J et al (Neurotoxicology): MRI-based brain volumetry and retinal optical coherence tomography as the biomarkers of outcome in acute methanol poisoning.
- Shokoohi M et al (Alcohol): A syndemic of COVID-19 and methanol poisoning in Iran: Time for Iran to consider alcohol use as a public health challenge?
- Hassanian-Moghaddam H et al (Crit Care): Double trouble: methanol outbreak in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic in Iran-a cross-sectional assessment.
- Kotikova K et al (Neurotoxicology): Peripheral polyneuropathy after acute methanol poisoning: Six-year prospective cohort study.
- Rasamison R et al (Clin Tox (Phila)): Analysis of fomepizole safety based on a 16-year post-marketing experience in France.
- Rulisek J et al (Clin Tox (Phila)): Health-related quality of life determinants in survivors of a mass methanol poisoning outbreak: six-year prospective cohort study.
- Zakharov S et al (Clin Tox (Phila)): The impact of co-morbidities on a 6-year survival after methanol mass poisoning outbreak: possible role of metabolic formaldehyde.
- Chng KL et al (Malays J Pathol): Methanol related death in National Institute of Forensic Medicine, Hospital Kuala Lumpur: A case series.
- Md Noor J et al (Int J Emerg Med): Methanol outbreak: a Malaysian tertiary hospital experience.
- Kumar M et al (Int J Crit Illn Inj Sci): Single center experience of managing methanol poisoning in the hilly state of Uttarakhand: A cross sectional study.
- Oguz AB et al (Arch Iran Med): Transdermal Methanol Intoxication.
- Skaaland H et al (Scand J Clin Lab Invest): Reference values for osmolal gap in healthy subjects and in medical inpatients.
- Adil ZAM et al (Med J Malaysia): Methanol outbreak in the district of Hulu Langat, 2018.
- Nurieva O et al: Clinical and genetic determinants of chronic visual pathway changes after methanol – induced optic neuropathy: four-year follow-up study.
- Zomorrodi A et al (Exp Clin Transplant): Successful Kidney Transplant From a Brain Stem-Dead Donor Due To Lethal Methanol Poisoning.
- Broek Jvd et al (Nat Commun): Highly selective detection of methanol over ethanol by a handheld gas sensor.
- Gallagher N et al (Adv J Emerg Med): The Diagnosis and Management of Toxic Alcohol Poisoning in the Emergency Department: A Review Article.
- Hassanian-Moghaddam H et al (Clin Toxicol (Phila)): Consensus statements on the approach to patients in a methanol poisoning outbreak.
- Ma Z et al (BMC Ophtalmol): Clinical analysis of severe visual loss caused by inhalational methanol poisoning in a chronic process with acute onset:a retrospective clinical analysis.
- Theobald J et al (Nutr Clin Pract): Folate as an Adjuvant Therapy in Methanol Poisoning.
- Lao Y et al (Drug Alcohol Rev): Methanol content in homemade alcohol from a province in North Vietnam.
- Aghababaeian H et al (Alcohol Alcohol): The Methanol Poisoning Outbreaks in Iran 2018.
- Mana J et al (Alcohol Clin Exp Res): Methanol Poisoning as an Acute Toxicological Basal Ganglia Lesion Model: Evidence from Brain Volumetry and Cognition.
- Kraut JA et al (N Engl J Med): Toxic Alcohols.
- Onyekwere N et al (J Public Health Afr): Methanol poisoning in South- South Nigeria: Reflections on the outbreak response.
- Drangsholt E et al (Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol): The Hypothesis of Circulus Hypoxicus and Its Clinical Relevance in Patients With Methanol Poisoning – An Observational Study of 35 Patients.
- Zakharov S et al (Toxicol Lett): Neuroinflammation markers and methyl alcohol induced toxic brain damage.
- Chung J-Y et al (BMC Public Health): Association between acute methanol poisoning and subsequent mortality: a nationwide study in Taiwan.
- Chan APL et al (Int J Environ Res Public Health): Methanol as an Unlisted Ingredient in Supposedly Alcohol-Based Hand Rub Can Pose Serious Health Risk.
- Hlusicka J et al (Clin Toxxicol (Phila)): Role of activation of lipid peroxidation in the mechanisms of acute methanol poisoning.
- Peterová K et al (Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol): Gait and Balance Impairment after Acute Methanol Poisoning.
- Zakharov S et al (Clin Tox). Efficiency of acidemia correction on intermittent versus continuous hemodialysis in acute methanol poisoning.
- Zakharov S et al (Annals Intensive Care): Intermittent versus continuous renal replacement therapy in acute methanol poisoning: comparison of clinical effectiveness in mass poisoning outbreaks.
- Rulisek J et al (J Crit Care): Cost-effectiveness of hospital treatment and outcomes of acute methanol poisoning during the Czech Republic mass poisoning outbreak
- Ahmed F et al (J Pak Med Assoc): Methanol poisoning: 27 years experience at a tertiary care hospital.
- Rostrup M et al (PLOS One): The Methanol Poisoning Outbreaks in Libya 2013 and Kenya 2014
- Zakharov S et al (Ann Emerg Med): Use of Out-of-Hospital Ethanol Administration to Improve Outcome in Mass Methanol Outbreaks.
- McMartin KE et al (Brit J Clin Pharmacol): Antidotes for poisoning by alcohols that form toxic metabolites
- Galvez-Ruiz A et al (Saudi Med J): Visual and neurologic sequelae of methanol poisoning in Saudi Arabia.
- Hassanian-Moghaddam H (J Public Health): Methanol mass poisoning in Iran: role of case finding in outbreak management.
- Hovda KE et al (Scand J Clin Lab Invest): A novel bedside diagnostic test for methanol poisoning using dry chemistry for formate.
- Zakharov S et al (Clin Tox): Fomepizole versus ethanol in the treatment of acute methanol poisoning: Comparison of clinical effectiveness in a mass poisoning outbreak.
- Kraut JA (Clin Tox): Diagnosis of toxic alcohols: limitations of present methods.
- Lachance et al (Kidney Int): Prediction and validation of hemodialysis duration in acute methanol poisoning.
- Roberts DM et al (Crit Care Med): Recommendations for the role of extracorporeal treatments in the management of acute methanolpoisoning: a systematic review and consensus statement.
- Vaneckova M et al (Neuro Endocrin Lett): Imaging findings after methanol intoxication (cohort of 46 patients).
- Zakharov S et al (Clin Tox): Long-term visual damage after acute methanol poisonings: Longitudinal cross-sectional study in 50 patients.
- Zakharov S et al (Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub): Fluctuations in serum ethanol concentration in the treatment of acute methanol poisoning: a prospective study of 21 patients.
- Zakharov S et al (Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol): Is the measurement of serum formate concentration useful in the diagnostics of acute methanol poisoning? A prospective study of 38 patients.
- Sklienka P (Prog Transplant): Successful kidney transplant from methanol-intoxicated donors.
- Zakharov S et al (Clin Toxicol): Czech mass methanol outbreak 2012: epidemiology, challenges and clinical features.
- Zakharov S et al (Kidney Int): Intermittent hemodialysis is superior to continuous veno-venous hemodialysis/hemodiafiltration to eliminate methanol and formate during treatment for methanol poisoning.
- Hantson P et al (Hum Exp Toxicol): Formate kinetics in methanol poisoning.
- Hovda KE et al (Clin Nephrol): Fomepizole may change indication for hemodialysis in methanol poisoning: prospective study in seven cases.
- Hovda KE et al (J Anal Toxicol): Increased serum formate in the diagnosis of methanol poisoning.
- Hovda KE et al (Clin Toxicol): Methanol and formate kinetics during treatment with fomepizole.
- Hovda KE et al (J Intern Med): Methanol outbreak in Norway 2002-2004: epidemiology, clinical features and prognostic signs.
- Megarbane B et al (Intensive Care Med): Current recommendations for treatment of severe toxic alcohol poisonings.
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