- BBC. Methanol Poisoning: Death by ignorance and taboo
- The Jakarta Post. Commentary: Preventing deaths from methanol poisoning
- ABS-CBN News. What is methanol Poisoning?
- Smart Parenting. There’s A Reason That Drink Is Called ‘Gin Bulag’ And A Mouthful Can Kill You
- MSF HK. Proper use of alcohol-based disinfectant products to avoid potential methanol poisoning
- Suara.com. Awas, Miras Oplosan Bisa Berujung Kematian (in Bahasa Indonesia)
- Akurat.co. Waspada Miras Oplosan, Bisa Sebabkan Kebutaan Hingga Kematian (in Bahasa Indonesia)
“Overshadowed by COVID-19: Neglected Diseases in the Spotlight” Methanol Poisoning: The illegal Brew That Kills
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